Saturday 25 April 2009

Franchising Magic System: The Franchising Magic System Provides Everything You Need To Franchise Your Business.

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"Learn How To Franchise Your Business & Get Paid To Open Up Multiple Locations!"

Just Like: McDonalds, Dunkin, and Donuts Subway
* 1) Are you ready to expand the size of your business as well as its profitability?
* 2) Does your bottom line look healthy?
* 3) Does your business have a unique factor that sets it apart?
* 4) Can your business thrive in a variety of markets?

If you've answered YES to these questions, then the Franchising Magic System is for you! The Franchising Magic System is your complete One Stop Solution to all your franchising needs.
Why Waste Money On Lawyer & Fees When There Is A Complete Franchising Toolkit That Can Give You All The Information You Need For Franchising Your Business?

* See What Others Are Saying About the Franchising Magic System
* Receive 10 FREE Bonus Gifts Worth Over $400
* Download FREE Samples from the Franchise Operations Manual
* Order The Franchising Magic System Now

Franchising Magic System
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"Like many business owners, you may be wondering whether your company is well-suited for the franchising mechanism that made global corporations out of companies like Subway, Curves, Century 21 and McDonald's just to name a few. However, unlike these companies, you may not have much money to spend on lawyers, consultants, or fees. I'm going to give you the secrets and tips that have turned many businesses into successful franchises. Introducing my Franchising Magic System, your entire franchising solution in one easy to understand package. My system will walk you through everything you need to know about franchising from A through Z. Don't let the price fool you! It is hands down the most comprehensive franchise package on the web."
sign Franchise Evangelist & Consultant
Learn The Secrets Of Making Your Business The Next Subway, Taco Bell, Curves, or McDonalds!

A Note From Tobin George, Managing Partner Samosa Cabana:"

"Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, that's all I can say!!! I was looking for a professional "All in One" franchising solution like this but did not have so much money to spend for it. I knew if I consulted a franchise attorney, I would end up paying $300 an hour for just for him to tell me basic information which I could have found on Google. I've also wasted money on buying countless books which are confusing and hard to understand. Your Franchising Magic System made it SO EASY for me to lay out everything I needed to franchise my restaurant. I just wanted to send a little update about my success after using your program. I'm STOKED to open up multiple locations in the upcoming year! We are creating the first national Indian fast casual restaurant chain, and I am pleased to say that your Franchising Magic System has got the ball rolling! We've already started receiving mainstream attention regarding our unique concept. I've managed to customize the Franchising Agreements and Franchise Operations Manual templates that were included in your deluxe package. Within two weeks of word spreading that my restaurant was planning to franchise, we've received over 20 inquiries!!!!! The Franchising Magic System has been so invaluable for us because it contained everything regarding business franchising in one easy to read package. I did not have to look any where else, and most importantly I did not have to waste big bucks for no reason.

Franchising Magic System
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Thank You Nathan, this system has been super productive for my company. Definitely one of the BEST investments I've made ever since I started my restaurant!!!
Tobin George - Samosa Cabana Indian Grill

Why Should You Franchise Your Business?

One of the biggest reasons why individuals franchise their business is because the franchisee provides the capital for expansion, rather then the franchisor. This allows a business to grow much faster and larger then if it were funded by internally generated funds or bank loans. You can sell a couple of hundred franchises per year, as opposed to maybe three or four company owned satellite locations.
What Documents Are Needed to Franchise?

There are three documents that are extremely important for a franchise. This includes the following: the Franchise Agreement, the Franchise Disclosure Document, or FDD (this used to be called UFOC, or Uniform Franchise Offering Circular), and a detailed Franchise Operations Manual.
How Much Do Franchise Attorneys Charge?
Attorney fees vary but the typical range includes the following: Sample Outline / Draft of Franchise Operations Manual $2,000 – $40,000 Sample Outline / Draft of Franchise Agreement and Disclosure Document $4,000 – $50,000 Review of Operations Manual, Agreements, and Disclosure Document. $3,000 – $30,000
How Long Will It Take An Attorney To Draft My Franchise Documents?
It usually varies, however a fair estimation is as follows: Sample Outline / Draft of Franchise Operations Manual 2 – 4 months Sample Outline / Draft of Franchise Agreement and Disclosure Document 1 – 2 months Review of Operations Manual, Agreements, and Disclosure Document. 1 – 2 months
Can I Create These Documents On My Own?

Of course you can, nobody is stopping you! However, remember the franchise agreement and disclosure document are critical and highly complex legal documents that establish the terms & guidelines for your relationship with your franchisees. Unless you are a professional, it’s a big mistake trying to handle this task on your own. The reason I say this is because if your documents are not properly written, you can be vulnerable to lawsuits, financial loss, plus more. Your Operations Manual is the “Bible” of your franchise. It highlights every facet of your franchise, and provides franchisees everything they need to know in regards to operating your franchise. Important care must go into making sure every aspect is covered. It is very important that these three documents are properly written. It definitely isn’t a job for someone without any prior experience. Rather then hiring a pricey lawyer, we have compiled all the information you will ever need in our Franchising Magic System using ready-made templates that you can customize. This can save you time and a ton of money!
Is Franchising Magic FTC-Compliant?

Franchising Magic System
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As of July 1, 5008, the Federal Trade Commission imposed new guidelines for franchises. For starters, they changed the name of the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular, or UFOC, to the Franchise Disclosure Document, or FDD. They also imposed new requirements for the content of the FDD’s. Documents that are not compliant can risk penalties, fees, and lawsuits. Fortunately, all the documents, forms, and templates within the Franchising Magic System are FTC-compliant.
Our Expertly Written Guides & Easy To Use Templates Allow You To Create A Solid Foundation For Your Franchise.

Get Almost Every Proven Franchising Secrets And Tips.
With Our System, You Can Finally Start To...

* Create a strong foundation for developing a prosperous business franchise.
* Learn everything you need to know about franchising your business, in a low cost, easy to learn, expertly written package.
* Customize your very own franchise agreements & detailed operations manual which highlight every facet of your business.
* Learn the importance of "repeatability" when it comes to franchising your business.

Franchising your business has monumental benefits, from risk reduction, to higher return on investment (ROI) and retention of capital.
The following are some of the basic requirements your business would need to fulfill in order to make a good franchise.

* Distinctiveness. Your franchise model must be the purple cow that stands apart from the rest of the herd. Your business must have adequate uniqueness from other franchises either in terms of services and products, unique target market, or lower investment cost.
* Trustworthiness. A franchisor must be trustworthy to potential franchisees.
* Simplicity. Your franchise model should be easy to learn a short time frame.
* Repeatability. Your franchise model should have what’s known as “repeatability” which means the ease to replicate or duplicate the model anywhere.
* Demand. Your franchise model should attract enough attention to capture sufficient demand.
* Solid management. Your business must have a solid management team and leadership in place.
* ROI. A franchised business should have enough profit after paying royalty and fees to earn an adequate return on investment.

If your business fulfills all these requirements, then you need to get started on making your franchising plans a reality. The Franchising Magic System will provide you everything that is necessary to create a successful franchising plan.

Franchising Magic System
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CHALLENGE # 1: Money - Some business owners know they have a great business concept that's doing well, but they'd like to make sure they have enough cash reserve to cover their utilities, insurance, rent, and management labor. They may not have money to open up another location, however they may know others who like their unique concept and would like to franchise. Usually the business owners won't really know where to start since they don't have much money to spend. They would probably like to find out more about franchising, however the last thing they want to do is waste valuable money on a greedy lawyer or consultant who will talk slow to kill time, and give them little to no valuable information.

You're Going To Love The Franchising Magic System
But Don't Take My Word For It... Because
The "Thank You " Letters Are Already
Coming In... See For Yourself...
"I was clueless on where to began with my plans to franchise. Thanks to the Franchising Magic System, in just under 3 weeks I was able to use the easy to learn Templates and Checklist to create a detailed franchising plan for my business. Thank you for the valuable system you have created! It was definitely value for the money..." (Bill Spiers, Lynchburg, VA.) ********** "Your system is like the cheat sheet for franchising. It contained all the necessary documents that I was looking for a fraction of the price I would have paid else where. You Rock!(Rajendra Paul, Jersey City, NJ.) ********** "Thank you so much for your Franchising Magic System, it has saved me SO MUCH time & money. I've spent over $1000 dollars on franchising books alone, to no avail. Most of them are hard to read and difficult to understand. Your system made it so easy to understand everything. I wish I found it long time ago." (Michelle Jacob, New York, NY) ********** "I paid a franchise attorney $3000 as a "Retainer fee" to help me with franchising my restaurant. After a month of dealing with him, I was back at square one which was absolutely nothing. Upset and frustrated, I stumbled upon your Franchising Magic System on Google. Your helpful guides, expertly written templates was a lifesaver for me. Never again will I waste money for no reason! Thank you so much." (Melvin Varghese, Los Angeles, California) ********** "I still can't believe it! Just a while back my idea was only a concept. Now it's a running business, and with the help of the Franchising Magic System, it's well on it's way to becoming a national franchise!"(James George, Philadelphia, PA)


Franchising Magic System
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The Franchising Magic System gives you a plethora of templates, tools, and ready-made documents that you can use right out of the box! It contains everything you will ever need to launch a successful franchise enterprise. Our franchise tools help you and your franchisees obtain financing, conduct due diligence, ensure legal compliance, and maintain daily operations, plus so much more. Our expertly written operations manual, franchise disclosure document, and franchise agreement templates helps you put together a solid structure for your franchise, for the fraction of the cost you would pay anywhere else. If you’re looking for a full blown, comprehensive "Out Of The Box" franchising solution, then this is what you need!
The Franchising Magic System includes the following:
Operations Manual Template

The Franchise Operations Manual is the holy grail of your franchise. It contains information on every facet of your business. Our retail & service oriented templates and samples make it so easy for you to customize your very own. We make our samples so simple and easy to understand. The manual includes samples of everything your franchisees would need to know to run things exactly the way you would. Making sure procedures and policies that have made your business successful is important for your franchisees' successful as well. A detail operations manual makes all the difference in the world. The operations manual contains all the guides to successfully run their new business. By maintaining the standard set out in the operations manual, your franchise can maintain consistency throughout multiple locations.

Franchise Disclosure Document and
Franchise Agreement Templates

Among the most important documents for your franchise are your Franchise Disclosure Document and Franchise Agreement. These crucial documents required by law define the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisees. It also outlines the obligations and rights for a franchisee before any purchase is made. The professionally written, simple to read templates & samples, make it very easy to customize your own documents. The templates & samples have been reviewed by professionals, and complies with all FTC regulations. The Franchising Magic System is your complete franchising solution, whether you are creating your first Franchise Disclosure Document, or if you are updating your disclosure document to adhere to new FTC rules. Our super low price offers you a low risk solution that will be beneficial to your franchise, while saving you potentially thousands of dollars. Once your franchisees have read your disclosure document and are ready to join you in “signing on the dotted line,” your franchise agreement is the legally binding contract you’ll put your pen to. It describes all your obligations and rights, as well as those of your franchisee. Our forms & templates are so easy to use and are completely customizable to fit your needs. The Franchising Magic System is hands down the most cost efficient and effective solution for all your franchise needs!

Franchise Development Tools

Our comprehensive kit of franchise development tools include very important information & resources that you would need to run a successful franchise. Must-have information. Every new franchiser shouldn't be without these important tools.
Digital Delivery & Format

All the files included in our Franchising Magic System are Microsoft Word & Excel documents that are packaged into a zip file. The file is made readily available for easy downloading immediately after you process your order. The documents are completely customizable and comes with thorough, easy-to-understand instructions and special “hint boxes” that get rid of guesswork.
...And 10 Bonus Franchising Tools
Worth Over $400, For ABSOLUTELY FREE!
*Free Bonus* Franchisor Tools:

Franchising Magic System
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1) Guide to SBA Franchise Application & Eligibility Requirements ($30) - FREE
If your business franchise qualifies for the SBA program, then your franchisees will be eligible to obtain expedited SBA loan processing. You must make sure your franchise is listed in the Small Business Administration’s franchisee registry, because smart franchisees constantly check the registry. We will provide you everything you need for the registration application, as well as all required guidelines.

2) Information On Protecting Your Intellectual Property. ($20) - FREE
Making sure all your intellectual property is protected is extremely crucial when creating a franchise. In order to make sure you are protected, you have to register all your service marks and trademarks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We provide you with information on ways to protect your intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc).

3) Potential Franchisee Inquiry Request Form. ($50) - FREE
This form can be used to collect any information you would like to obtain before you consider a potential franchisee. This easy to use template can quickly weed out potential franchisees by obtaining information on what their background is and who they are.

4) Background-Check Authorization Form. ($30) - FREE
Obtain other valuable information about a potential franchisee such as criminal records, credit history, plus more. It is crucial to know everything about your prospective franchisee before you hand over the extremely confidential company information.

5) Guide to State Franchise Regulations. ($30) - FREE
Each state has different strict franchise laws that you have to comply with. Fifteen different states now require that a franchisor must provide prospective franchisees with franchise disclosure documents (FDD's) before a sale takes place. We have designed this guide so you can sell your franchises without worrying about regulators.

6) Forms & Documents for Franchise Operations. ($50) - FREE
We have included forms & templates that have been professionally designed to make your franchise stand out. All the forms are created to make your company maintain a consistent image. Look professional and save valuable time/money, with this compilation of must-have legal forms and documents.
Free Bonus* Franchisee Tools:

7) Guide to Track Sales & Calculate Royalties. ($100) - FREE
Our guide will allow franchisees to easily keep track of how much they are making, and how much royalty they owe you.

8) Step-by-Step Due Diligence Guide. ($50) - FREE
A detailed step-by-step checklist that allows prospective franchisees to obtain the necessary information to make an informed decision whether to pursue a franchise opportunity.

9) Guide to Online Business Licensing. ($40) - FREE
It is essential to have a license for your business. Thanks to the internet, pplying for a business license is easy as 1-2-3. We have put together the links to websites for the business licensing departments of all 50 states.

Franchising Magic System
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10) Equipment Leasing & Ready-Made Agreement Templates ($20) - FREE
We have put together expertly written ready-made agreement templates that your franchisees can use. Also find out more information about equipment leasing.

Remember, your first step on the road to success is always your most important.
I'll be taking all your risk, so you have absolutely nothing to lose!

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