Saturday 2 May 2009

R.p.g. Winners Club

Forget The Global Financial Crisis...
Work only 15 minutes per day from home... Follow Link Below For Full Story About: R.p.g. Winners Club

Dear Income Earner,
Let’s face it. Times are tough and most people need to find a way to earn more money. Unfortunately jobs are scarce, businesses are closing down and things do not look too good for the next couple of years.

What are YOU going to do to generate more income right now?
If you are like most people you have been giving this a lot of thought. While you are waiting for a "Miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue" what are you going to do to generate more income - today, this week, this month?

Many people are looking into “work from home” business opportunities to supplement their income. There are literally thousands of them, but the majority of the available “business opportunities” have one thing in common...

They require you to SELL something.
In other words, you won’t earn any money until you make a SALE or recruit another person to do the SELLING for you. And, if you are like most people, you hate SELLING anything... (I know I do...)

There are also real estate and stock market investing programs advertised in the newspapers, on TV or on the Internet. Most of them are complicated and require a substantial investment of your money - and time. Also, in today’s changing economy they can be extremely volatile and risky.

If you will take a few moments to read the rest of this page, I will let you in on the biggest breakthrough in earning a consistent, low-risk, stress-free, recession-proof income that has ever been made available (but only for a short time - and only to a limited number of people)...

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What you are about to learn will definitely change your income potential - immediately...

Let me explain this to you in the easiest way I know how.
My name is Bill Diamond. I'm an ordinary American, 42 years old and happily married with three children. Despite being very ordinary, I live a life that most people can only dream about.

I'd like to show you what I do that allows me to earn in excess of six figures a year without having to work 12 hour shifts, being stuck in traffic jams on the freeway, or having to answer to a boss or ever having to worry about the economy.

Before we go any further let me tell you what I DON’T do...
There is….

No Selling
No Multi-Level
No Website
No Customers
No Products to Order
No Advertising
No Rent
No Employees
No Inventory
No Mailing List
No Prior Experience
No Large Investment
Now that we got that out of the way, you can relax. :-)

I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. However, all I ask is that you have an open mind and stay with me for a few moments…

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First of all, I have never been to a casino, I never play the lotto and I never bet on any game of chance... However, for over 8 years I have run a very profitable and enjoyable Professional Racing Business from the comfort of my home.

At this point you are probably asking yourself…
"Is it REALLY possible to earn a living doing what I do?"
Let’s face it, most of us have been brought up with the notion that betting on the horses is a loser’s game. Well, let me tell you that this statement could not be further from the truth - if you know what I do...

The main reason why it is possible to win at the races is because in most races, more than half of horses have LITTLE OR NO CHANCE OF WINNING THE RACE.

By separating the “contenders” from the “pretenders” and ELIMINATING the horses that have LITTLE OR NO CHANCE OF WINNING, we reduce our chances of losing which allows us to select the winner out of the remaining horses on a consistent basis.

This is done by calculating over 92 factors that will influence the final outcome of the race. At this point I now have a database of over 55,000 races so I am able to run accurate simulations to determine if we have an advantage in a particular race. What I do is not based on chance. It is based on a statistical and mathematical advantage that I have created from extensive research, testing and application. If we do not have a clear advantage we do not place a bet. There is no guessing.

I have been running my Professional Racing Business for over 8 years and it has never failed to produce a consistent income for me in good and bad economic times. It is virtually recession-proof.

In fact during the “Great Depression” (I never figured out what so “Great” about it...) seven new race tracks were built in the US. During an economic downturn such as we are experiencing now, the wagering pools at most race tracks are larger than normal. This adds to my profits because most people have no idea how to win consistently.

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A Recession or Depression cannot stop you from earning a living from racing. Stock market crashes, businesses failures or the strength of the US Dollar will have absolutely no effect on earning a consistent income from racing. In fact, being independent of global financial problems is one of the biggest strengths of the Professional Racing Business.

First Time Ever...
Recently I was approached by a friend who asked if I would be interested in sharing my method with a small, select group of people who would be willing to pay me for my knowledge. After weighing up the pros and cons and giving it some serious thought, I consented to reveal my method to a limited number of serious individuals.

With that in mind, I worked on refining and simplifying my profitable racing program so that it can be used by anyone to earn a consistent stress-free income from racing. Even if you know absolutely NOTHING about horse racing and betting you can use this program immediately.

I call my program the Race Profit Generator - because that is exactly what it will do. It will generate a consistent income from racing for the rest of your life.

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When I designed this program I used the following 4 parameters:

1. You do not have to know anything about horse racing.
2. You do not need a lot of money to start earning an immediate income.
3. You will spend less than 15 minutes per day at the computer.
4. You can earn a consistent income using my ultra-safe wagering system.

The Race Profit Generator does all this and a lot more...

Capital Security
Unfortunately most people are unable to earn a part-time or full-time living at racing because they do not know how to protect their investment capital. I can tell you that the main reason I have lasted so long in this business is because my primary goal first and foremost is Capital Security. Over time the profits will take care of themselves, but if you lose your investment capital you will be out of the game before you can turn a profit. So everything I do is based on preserving my capital investment.

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Keeping this in mind I have designed the Race Profit Generator to constantly guard your capital investment. It has several built-in features that monitor your capital investment. This feature ensures that your bets stay under control at all times.

No Need to Sit In Front of Your Computer for Hours
The Race Profit Generator is a unique and very EASY TO USE software wagering program that does not require you to sit in front of your computer all day long. Normally I have 3-8 plays per day. Using my "bet and forget" strategy, all you have to do is just put in your races for the day and you're done! TOTAL work time is about 15 minutes per day... It's as simple as that.

Selections Are Provided For You

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You do not have to spend any time analyzing the Racing Form to come up with your own selections. I will do this for you as part of your membership. These are the same selections I bet every single week. I send them to you via SMS, so you receive them right on your phone.

Systematic Low Stress Betting
The Race Profit Generator software is your key to success. It is especially designed to take all the stress and indecision out of betting while keeping your betting bank safe. At the same time, it also has a target goal system designed to reach a new HIGH POINT in your betting bank. This forces your betting bank to grow consistently and systematically.

The Race Profit Generator also does all your bookkeeping for you and updates vital information after each series of races.

Small Starting Capital Investment

You do not need a lot of money to start. If you have $500-$1,000 you can earn a very nice profit every month. For example, on a $1,000 bank you can earn a sizeable income consistently and increase your earnings.

Do you know what that means?

Imagine what this can do for your financial life. How would you feel if you didn't have to stress out over paying your bills? No more financial worries, period. Just increase you betting bank and your bets and earn as much as you need.

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Can you imagine what SUPLEMENTAL Income can do for your life? Once you have a large enough betting bank you can easily earn consistently without increasing your risk.

I want my life to be simple, stress free and enjoyable. Most of all, I want to spend more time with my family enjoying the money I earn. This is the true advantage of operating a Professional Racing Business from the comfort of my home.

Still not convinced?
Perhaps you are still skeptical. You don't know me and what I'm offering may sound 'too good to be true'. My father always used to say to me that if something sounded too good to be true,then it probably is...

After 8 years I can tell you that it is not too good to be true, but I have to be honest with you: If you are looking to 'get out of debt fast' or “get rich quick” like most of the “income opportunities” promise you, then this is definitely not for you.

You will need some money to wager with. It doesn’t have to be a lot of money. Even $500 would be enough to get started with but the money you put in your wagering account cannot be money you need to pay your living expenses.

If you are up to your neck in debt and barely have enough money left over at the end of the month to cover your mortgage or rent, and do not have any spare money that you can use to fund your betting account then I would suggest that you do not sign up as a member.

To be perfectly honest, if you're down to your last $$$, you don't have a MONEY problem. You have a THINKING problem. No “income opportunity” program will change your financial situation until get your thinking straight. Once that happens, the money will follow – regardless of the economy.

What I have discovered through the help of Dr. Robert Anthony is that having a Winning Mindset is responsible for over 70% of my success. Without it, even though my method is profitable, it would not be nearly as profitable unless I combined it with what I have learned from him about wealth creation.

Three years ago I purchased his “Know How To Be Rich” 6-week audio training program and it changed my life. If you apply what you learn from him and combine it with what I can offer you – you cannot fail…

Realistic Expectations

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I am not going to give you a lot of hype about how you will become a millionaire. That’s pure rubbish... The Race Profit Generator is very profitable but it won't make you a millionaire unless, of course, you are a big bettor who is happy to bet hundreds or thousands of dollars per race. (I do have a couple of clients who do this...)

What the Race Profit Generator does offer you is a very effective method for earning consistent profits month after month and year after year.


Above is a screenshot of some sample results from the past 90 days. The profits can be more or less for any 90 day period, but this is very typical. It will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect.

Take a look at the “Net P/L on the Original Bank”. In this sample run we used a $1,000 bank betting 2% or $20 base bet. Again, this takes about a TOTAL of 15 minutes per day...

Our ROI (Return on Investment) for our Capital Investment was 92.3%... Profits can vary. I have seen them as a low as 45% (which still is excellent) to over 150% for a 90 day period.


The above is without increasing your bet. If you reinvest your profits and increase your bet it will be MUCH higher. For example, after 90 days you have earned $923 on your $1,000 investment. If you did not need the immediate income you could bet 2% of $1923.00 or $38 base bets for the next 90 days, and so on.

However, I prefer to be ultra conservative. I suggest you do the same. Earning an average of 10% - 30% per MONTH on your working capital is very realistic. Often it will be much higher.

Let’s face it, most people think they are a financial genius if they can earn 10% or more per YEAR (not per MONTH) giving their money to someone else to manage. I not only earn a LOT more, but I am always in control of my money. I can stop, start or take it out anytime I want. I normally “pay” myself each time my bank increases 50%. You can set that up in the program to do it automatically for you.

The bottom line is you simply cannot fail to earn a consistent income if you follow my simple instructions to the letter and do not deviate from a proven, successful strategy...

So how exactly how does this work?
You only need to do four things.

1. Check your SMS for the selections I send you for the day. I usually send them out the evening before so you have all your sections for the next day.

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2. Go on to your betting account and bet EXACTLY what the Race Profit Generator software tells you to bet. You can even place your bets for the day before breakfast if you want.

3. In the evening you can check the results online and type in the prices (win or lose). Then just repeat the above sequence.

4. Watch your investment capital grow...

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If you can type a number such a $3.00, $5.00 or $7.80, and so on - you know everything you need to know to operate the Race Profit Generator software.

All you will have to do is spend a few minutes of your day placing the bets I send to you and enter them into my proprietary Race Profit Generator betting software program. This is the very same program I use every day and is included with your membership.

It cannot get any easier!

What’s this going to cost me?

Okay, you are probably asking, “What’s this going to cost me”? The good news is that in the long run it won’t “cost” you anything… Your profits will more than cover the cost of your membership and ongoing selections.

If someone offered you a way to potentially earn an extra $200 - $5,000 per month for the rest of your life for only $780 per year, would that interest you? Of course it would…

However, it won’t cost you that much to get started. I am so confident you will earn a consistent ongoing income with my Race Profit Generator that you can pay me out of your earnings every month.

You can start your membership for only $199. You will then be charged $65.00/month for 99 months (or if you choose to cancel) after your initial charge has been made.. This is a non-refundable fee for my proprietary Race Profit Generator betting software that cost me over $25,000 to develop.

However, I want you to start making a profit immediately, so I will include your first month membership for free with a initial 30 day trial.

After the first 30 days your total outlay is only $65.00 per month and there are no long-term commitments. I do not need to tie you into agreement because I know you will want to retain your profitable membership for many years to come.

Are you still with me?

As you’ve seen, operating your Professional Racing Business from home will change your life. Even if you only had a $1,000 bank and $20 to invest on each race you can still end up each month with profit while keeping your investment capital SAFE…

Now imagine using higher stakes. As you bank builds you can earn as much as you want. Your life will never be affected again by the “Global Financial Crisis”. You will finally break free from economic fear, doubt and worry.

If you put this in perspective, for a very small start-up investment of $199, which will give you an INSTANT INCOME without you having to go through any of hassles or a “regular” business, is the best decision you will ever make. It has supported my family and me and has given us a very comfortable lifestyle for the past 8 years. It can do the same for you.

Based on my experience I am totally confident if you use the Race Profit Generator as instructed you will more than cover the cost of your monthly membership and make a very nice profit in the long run like I have done for the past 8 years.

Here is My Guarantee

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Your initial start-up investment of $199 covers the cost of my proprietary Race Profit Generator software program. This is the heart of my system that allows you to earn an ongoing income for the rest of your life. To be fair to both of us, I cannot give this away for free under any circumstances so this is you only commitment.

However, beyond that I want you to be 100% confident that your ongoing monthly membership will never cost you a dime…

If you use a $1,000 bank and a base bet of only 2% or $20 and place all the selections I send you for 90 days, and you do not cover the full cost of your monthly membership during that period, I will refund the difference.

Your first month membership is free. So your only outlay would be $65 per month for the next two months. During that time I guarantee that your profits from my selections MUST cover the cost of your monthly membership. You cannot lose any money on my service. I cannot be any fairer than that!

My Special Gift to Ensure Your Success

In addition to the above guarantee I want to add a special gift to ensure your success. I know with my method and a Winning Mindset you cannot fail to earn an ongoing income for many years to come.

As I mentioned earlier, I paid $167.00 for Dr. Robert Anthony’s “Know How To Be Rich” six week audio program - and it was the best investment I have every made. Just to make sure YOU have the Winning Mindset I purchased a limited number of copies for my members at a substantial discount.

When you sign up as a member, in addition to receiving your regular membership benefits, you also will receive this remarkable $167.00 six week “Know How To Be Rich” wealth creation program without charge as my gift to you. These lessons will be delivered to you once a week for the next six weeks. Each wealth creation audio is 45-60 minutes and also include a written summary. These lessons will increase your wealth attracting potential in every area of your life.

Trust me - you will have received more than your money’s worth just by applying these lessons in your life. The “Know How To Be Rich” audio program is my gift to you to show you how committed I am to your ongoing success.

Okay, before we end all this you are probably asking yourself some questions, so let’s address them right now.

Why are you selling this if you are making so much money?

I get asked this a lot. The reason I am offering this service is I have personally been where you are right now and I enjoy helping other people to succeed. So I am fully committed towards sharing this wonderful reliable method with others.

In addition to my wagering income, I can earn additional money providing a profitable service to my clients, so it is a win-win for everyone involved. Besides, because I am placing a limit the number of members that use my service it will not affect my winnings in the slightest.

How much money will I need to start?

This depends how much you would like to earn and how much you can afford. Anyone that tells you that you can immediately make thousands of dollars per month with a starting bank of $500 is pulling your leg. From my experience it is possible to comfortably earn an ongoing income consistently per month or more with a larger capital investment.

However I would recommend you start with a lower amount. I started with $500 and built it up from there. Your bank will quickly build up to where you are withdrawing profits on a regular basis.

I don't know anything about horse racing...

Absolutely anybody can make money using the Race Profit Generator whether you are new to betting or whether you are a professional. In fact, it is a no-brainer. I make it very simple for you. Everything is explained and is easy to understand. In fact, my teenage son can understand and operate this program because the Race Profit Generator literally does all the work for you. Not only is it easy to use, but you will find it very enjoyable and look forward to using it every day...

I've tried a horse racing system in the past and it did not work...

That’s not unusual. The reason most racing systems that are sold to the public are doomed to failure is because NONE of them are designed to protect your investment capital or betting bank until you make a profit. They are designed to pick winners.

The problem arises when the “winners” start losing. At that point the owner of racing system starts to panic because he or she does not know what to do to keep from losing all their money. The Race Profit Generator is designed to protect your investment capital AT ALL TIMES as well as maximize your profits during the winning cycles. This is why I have been able to earn a full time income for over 8 years.

Do I have to bet your selections every day?
You do not have to bet every day. However, I highly recommend that you bet every day if possible. This ensures a steady cash flow, especially when we are on a long winning sequence. Since you do not have to sit at your computer all day long, it only takes a few moments to place and record the results of your bets. Total “work” time is about 15 minutes per day...

Is this legal?
This is perfectly legal and above board. The only prequalification is that you are at least 18 years old as you cannot place bets if you are a minor.

Can I use this anywhere?
The Race Profit Generator designed for betting on US racing but you can bet on US racing from anywhere in the world as long as your local laws permit it.
Are my profits earned from racing taxable?

Racing income is considered a CASH business. In almost every country in the world, except the USA, you do not have to report or pay taxes on income earned from racing. This is why horse racing is so popular in Europe, Australia and other countries. In the US it works like this: US race tracks or betting agencies are not required to report your earnings to the IRS, regardless of the amount, unless you win a single $2.00 bet that pays over $1,200. This will never happen with this method because our profits, regardless of how much you bet, will never pay more than $1,200 on a single $2.00 bet. Offshore companies that accept wagers on US racing do not report wagering activity regardless of the amount you earn, but you still must remember that it is your responsibility to report you winnings!

Where do I place my bets?
There are a number of reliable onshore and offshore websites that have been in business for many years. We will provide a list and contact information for you. Normally you can open an account and start wagering within with 15 minutes.

I have a MAC, will your Race Profit Generator software work on it?
It will only work if you are running Virtual PC and the Windows operating system.


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This Offer Is Extremely Limited
I must place a strict quota on the number of memberships that are accepted to protect the integrity and high level of profits being enjoyed by my current members. This is not a sales gimmick! The price paid on any winner is determined by the number of people that have a winning ticket. If too many people have the same winning ticket it reduces the price of the winner.

Therefore it is in my best interest and the interest of my members to limit the number of memberships. Once we reach a maximum quota we can no longer accept any new memberships. It is pure economics.

If you are ready to earn a consistent income from racing this is your opportunity, but you must take action NOW. This could end up being the beginning of a whole new life for you and I'd love you to be able to enjoy the freedom and income that I have.

Becoming a member is incredibly easy

"If you have read my books you know that horse racing has always been one of my favorite pastimes. However it wasn't until I met Bill Diamond that I was able to turn it into a profitable "hobby". To be honest, I don't know how he does it. I just use his simple race profit generator 15 minutes every morning and my bank account keeps growing! After almost 5 months of trying to get him to share it with others he decided that he would offer his services to a maximum of 500 members. That's less than 10 per State. If you are looking for an enjoyable recession proof way to suppliment your income in less than 15 minutes per day, please act on this offer before all the memberships are gone. Bill fully guarantees his service so you cannot go wrong. Get Started Today"

-- Dr. Robert Anthony
Payment is made securely through Clickbank. Race Profit Generator Software Delivery
You will be able to download the Race Profit Generator software and User Manual as soon as you have completed payment. To enable a quicker download, the files will come in a compressed (zipped) folder. Most computers have unzipping software installed as standard but instructions for obtaining free unzip software are included for those that don't have it.

If for some reason you are not re-directed to my secure download page after you order then please contact our customer service and we will help you get started.

Daily Selection Service

Your betting selections are delivered by SMS right on your mobile phone. When you sign up you will need to give us a phone number that we can use to deliver the selections. Normally selections are sent out the night before but you will always receive them by 9:00 AM Eastern Standard time.

This Offer is Available to US and Canada Residents ONLY!
Start earning an income in LESS THAN 24 HOURS

The next move is yours. If you are ready to start your profitable and enjoyable Professional Racing Business and earn an income within the next 24 hours please click on the sign up link below. I look forward to having you as a member and helping you to achieve your financial goals for many years to come.
Prosperous regards,

Bill Diamond
P.S. To ensure that your membership will be accepted and you will not be shut out I strongly advise you enroll today so I can help you get started earning a consistent part time or full time income with the Race Profit Generator.

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